
Featured Reviews

The Evolution Baseball Program has played a pivotal role in shaping me into the man I am today. Coach Price & the EVO staff not only helped me develop as an individual, but also gave me the opportunity to showcase my skills on some of the biggest stages, consistently. With access to cutting-edge knowledge and technology, the program truly has everything you need to take your game to the next level.

Connor Hujsak - Mississippi State, Tampa Bay Rays, EVO Alum 2020

5 Core Values

I. Determination | (Noun) | De·ter·mi·na·tion | A firmness of purpose or resoluteness. The commitment to control or work towards an outcome.

II. Accountability | (Noun) | ac·count·a·bil·i·ty | An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions. Own it.

III. Community | (Noun) | Com·mu·ni·ty | A feeling of fellowship and camaraderie with others, sharing common interests, attitudes, and goals.

IV. Integrity | (Noun) | In·teg·ri·ty | The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Doing what is right, at all times.

V. Desire | (Verb) | De·sire | To strongly wish for or want something. To have the conviction and action to accomplish goals. 


EVO took me in like family from day one and guided me along my path to the next level and eventually to Bryant. The relationships that I have created both with coaches and players are ones that I will have forever. I can’t thank Coach Phil and EVO enough for that.

Cam Papetti - Bryant University, EVO Alum, 2023

“From the program creed to daily affirmations and team building exercises throughout my years at EVO, it is clear now that EVO was much more than a college preparatory program. It is a place where you are truly challenged everyday, but eventually molded into a hardworking man and baseball player, all thanks to Coach Price.”

Damon Fuller - Merrimack College, EVO Alum 2021

“I was fortunate enough to be a part of EVO’s first team. From the start, I could tell I made the right decision. Not only did I mature as a player, EVO more importantly helps you mature as a teammate and a person which a coach will value at any level.”

Ryan Meyer - Fordham University, EVO Alum 2021

There was little on the field that I was not prepared for because of my years at Evo.  But more important to me looking back was the culture that Phil fostered.  The environment was positive and supportive but still expected you to push yourself to achieve your absolute best both physically and mentally.

Matt Lussier - Fairfield University, EVO ALum 2022

EVO taught me many core values that I still carry to this day such as accountability, community, and self-confidence. EVO goes beyond your ordinary baseball program. The skills taught, the relationships formed, and the understanding of the mental side of baseball are unlike any other baseball program in New England.”

Cody Smith - Assumption University, EVO Alum 2021

EVO created an environment that was designed around your intentions of playing college baseball. But in order to achieve that goal, he focuses on your development as a baseball player and a person.

Brady Gagne - Hobart College, EVO Alum 2022

Our dedication to player development is not limited to how we train our players to be better on the field, but also in our ability to teach our 5 Core Values to help make our members become the best versions of themselves. EVO Academy will focus on providing players with elite development and instruction. This will be accomplished by using a qualified staff to teach baseball specific skill training, while implementing a flexible schedule for players, utilizing our state of the art facilities and maximizing our resources and partnerships within the industry for our members.

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