Contact Us
We have two training facilities to offer our players everything they need to become the best versions of themselves. One in West Boylston and one in Shrewsbury. We would love to hear from you if you have any question regarding membership and the benefits of being and EVO athlete!
Our Locations
137 Shrewsbury St.
West Boylston MA 01583
697 Hartford Turnpike
Shrewsbury MA 01545
Call Us
(+1) 508.835.6604
Email Us
5 Core Values
I. Determination | (Noun) | De·ter·mi·na·tion | A firmness of purpose or resoluteness. The commitment to control or work towards an outcome.
II. Accountability | (Noun) | ac·count·a·bil·i·ty | An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions. Own it.
III. Community | (Noun) | Com·mu·ni·ty | A feeling of fellowship and camaraderie with others, sharing common interests, attitudes, and goals.
IV. Integrity | (Noun) | In·teg·ri·ty | The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Doing what is right, at all times.
V. Desire | (Verb) | De·sire | To strongly wish for or want something. To have the conviction and action to accomplish goals.
Send Us a Message
Have questions? Please fill out the form below and someone will be in touch.

Our dedication to player development is not limited to how we train our players to be better on the field, but also in our ability to teach our 5 Core Values to help make our members become the best versions of themselves. EVO Academy will focus on providing players with elite development and instruction. This will be accomplished by using a qualified staff to teach baseball specific skill training, while implementing a flexible schedule for players, utilizing our state of the art facilities and maximizing our resources and partnerships within the industry for our members.