Please Read Below Prior To Booking Your Lesson
- There shall be no more than 2 participants in a Batting Cage or Outdoor Mound Area at a time. These areas are designated for the Player/Coach/Supervisor (which can be a Parent).
- Temperature checks for players and coaches will be required to be taken at home. If any player or coach has a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, please do not come to the facility/field and notify EVO Staff.
- All Players/Coaches/Supervisors must wear masks around their necks. If players and/or Coach/Supervisor are within 6 feet of each other, masks must be pulled over mouths and noses.
- When dropping off, vehicles must enter the first driveway (immediately after Safe N Secure) and continue to the left field parking lot for drop off of players. Do not drop players off anywhere else but the left field parking lot. Players will need to walk from the left field parking lot to the main entrance of Evolution Sports Facility building.
- Vehicles are prohibited from parking, blocking and/or stopping in the roadway connecting the Safe N Secure/Evolution Sports Facility parking lot to the left field parking lot. Vehicles can only park in the left field parking lot.
- Players must enter the facility through the Field Main Entrance Door.
- A self-serving sanitation area will be set up inside the Front Door. Please use Sanitation Products before entering the cage area or touching the cage area doors.
- Bat bags and equipment must be placed inside the Batting Cages that the Player is using. Nothing is to be left outside of cages.
- There must be no sharing of equipment such as but not limited to: water bottles, helmets, hats, bats, gloves, clothing, etc. Additionally, players are asked to not bring gum or seeds and to abstain from spitting at all times. Any trash accumulated by a player must be kept in their bag to dispose of later.
- Evolution Sports Facility building will only be open to Players and Coaches/Supervisors. Parents and siblings must wait outside the facility in their vehicles.
- Players must exit the facility through the EXIT door next to cage 4 - closest to the field.
- Failure to follow these procedures may result in players, coaches, and parents being asked to leave Evolution Sports Facility and property immediately.